Spanner in the works
Louis has had bad teeth ever since we got him out of the shelter two and a half years ago and his upper right canine finally gave up the ghost yesterday and snapped right off, having rotted right through. Hmmm, another visit to the vet with Louis was really just what we didn't need after his little performance two weeks ago for the vaccinations!
But anyway, off we went this morning and it went so much better than expected. Relief all round. We decided not to muzzle him as that totally freaks him out, and he did stay a lot calmer, even walked into the vet's with us, which he does not normally do. With a little firm but gentle handling and our highly skilled vet Malcolm (yay!) we got the pre-med done very quickly, then we just sat with him on the floor to keep him calm, till he passed out. Half an hour later he was anaesthetised, carried onto the table, the rotten tooth removed by Sara and the other teeth cleaned. No worries at all. He was back home by lunchtime, a bit nervous and shaky (and a bit cranky it must be said) but mainly tired and hungry. Hope we can find vets in LA who are as good as these guys. Oh, and here's the tooth (or rather, the root and a bit of rotten tooth)!
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